
For Success

For Success
Know more than other Work more than other But, Expect less than other

Its a necessary and sufficient condition-----

Its a necessary and sufficient condition-----
"If you win, you need not have to explain.........But if you lose, you should not be there to explain!"

07 January 2010






1. Write a program to print a “name”.

2. Write a program to calculate an addition of two numbers.

3. Write a program to calculate a area of circle.

4. Write the program to calculate all arithmetic operation.

5. Write a program of swapping of two numbers using three variables.

6. Write a program of swapping of two numbers using two variables.

7. Write a program of conversation [kilometer to meter].

8. Write a program of conversation [hour to minute].

9. Write a program to find a number even or odd.

10. Write a program to find leap year (using if & else).

11. Write the program to find the largest of 3 numbers (using if-else).

12. Write a program of check different colors (using switch).

13. Write a program of print days (using switch).

14. Write a program to read marks of five subject and print Division (if-else).

Percentage division

>=60 First

>=48 & <=59 Second

>=36 & < style="mso-spacerun:yes"> Third

<36 Fail

15. Write a program to check a given character is vowel or not (using switch).

1 6. Write a program to check whether a no. is palindrome or not.

17. Write a program to check whether a no. is prime or not.

18. Write a program to print ‘n’ terms Fibonacci series.

19. Write a program to calculate a table of any number.

20. Write the program to print ‘n’ terms Factorial series.

21. Write a program to reverse a given number.

22. Write a program to read ‘n’ numbers and find out maximum and second maximum value (using array).

23. Write a program to read two 3*3 matrix and add their value and store them in third matrix (using array).

24. Write a program in C to sort a given array of integer numbers.

25. Write a program to read two 3*3 matrix and multiply their value and store them in third matrix (using array).

26. Write a program to read 3*3 matrix and convert it into 4*4 matrix by adding corresponding row and columns.

27. Write a program to read a string and print it in alphabetical order e.g.”SHIVAM” will be printed as “AHIMSV”.

28. Write a program to reverse a string word wise.

29. Write a program to find length, copy, concatenate, compare, and reverse of string using pre-defined function.

30. Write a program to covert lower case string into upper case.

31. Write a program to print a different pattern using loop.

1. * 2. * 3. 1* 2* 3* 4*

* * * * * 1* 2* 3*

* * * * * * * * 1* 2*

* * * * * * * * * * * 1*

4. 10000 5. 1 6. * * * * *

01000 11 * * * *

00100 121 * * *

00010 1331 * *

00001 14641 *

7. 1* 2* 3* 4

1* 2* 3

1* 2


32. write a program in C to print the sum of the following series-

x - x3/3! + x5 /5! – x7/7!+………………

33. Write a program to read ‘n’ numbers and add them using pointer.

34. Write a program to create a structure student having student roll no, name and branch. Read information of a student and print it.

35. Write a program to read information of 20 books and print names and author name of those books whose price is more than 500r.

36. Write a program to read a line of text and store it into a file.

37. Write a program to read a text file and count total no of characters and words present in it.

38. Write a program to red a line of text and find out length of the string.

39. Write a program in C to copy contents of a file into another file.

40. Write a program to concatenate 2 strings using pointers. Do not use strcat function.

41. Write a program to create an enumerated data type for 12 months and then print them as integer constants.

42. Write a program to swap two numbers using pointer and function. (call by address mechanism)